One thing to get marked off your checklist early in the planning process is setting up room blocks for your traveling guests to stay. There are some key questions you should ask the staff before signing the agreement.
Is there a minimum number of rooms I have to block?
Can I add additional rooms if the block fills?
Will there be a cutoff date for booking rooms? (This is the last date they hold the rooms for you, after that they release them for the general public so that they can try to fill the rooms)
How and when will I receive a rooming list of my guests?
Who will be my point of contact that I should call with questions?
Will all of my guests be in the same area of the hotel?
Will you have an online code for my guests to receive the group rate or do they need to call the hotel directly?
Is a deposit required? Be aware that the bride and groom should not have any financial responsibility in the contract, if the hotel requires it, it would be worthwhile to look elsewhere.
Does your hotel offer complimentary breakfast to guests?
What amenities will my guests enjoy?
Do you charge for delivery of welcome notes or gift bags to my guests?
Do you offer a complimentary suite for the bride and groom?
Do you offer shuttle services?
You set-up those room blocks, but it’s important to let your guests know where they are! If you don’t have a wedding website the best way to tell guests would be to include it somewhere with your invitation.
As always there are several acceptable ways to do this. The first would be to include a separate accommodations card with just the hotel/motel information. It’s common to include the hotel name, address, and phone number as well as the name of the room block. It’s not as common to include the agreed upon rate but it’s still acceptable if you choose to add it.
A second option is to include an info card and just add the accommodations to this card. This info card can also be printed on the back of the invitation to save on paper if you prefer, but remember not everyone will think to turn it over!